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Therapy Session

Assurance Behavioral Health

Counseling. Detox Coaching.
Substance abuse consultation. Medical referrals. 

Are you suffering from depression? Have you recently lost a love one and need answers? Have you or your child ever been diagnosis ADHD/ADD? Do you need help managing you inappropriate outburst? Are the stresses of raising a family getting to you and your spouse? Are you ready to stop self medicating with illegal and unsafe street drugs? Housing issues? 

Areas of Expertise

Counselling, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Psychiatric Consultation. Substance abuse treatment planning/ management 

Narrative History of Assurance Services:

Assurance Services emerged onto the scene in October 2018, driven by a profound realization of the acute shortage of mental health providers in our community. The founders, deeply concerned about the well-being of the "housing insecure" and homeless populations, recognized the urgent need for specialized assistance in managing their mental health and substance abuse challenges. With this pressing need as their guiding light, Assurance Services was established with a vision to bridge the gap in mental health care accessibility and provide much-needed support to vulnerable individuals.

The journey of Assurance Services began with a small team of dedicated professionals who shared a common passion for making a meaningful impact in the lives of those struggling with mental health issues amidst housing instability. Drawing from their diverse backgrounds in psychology, social work, and counseling, the team embarked on a mission to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals could receive personalized care tailored to their unique circumstances.

Over the years, Assurance Services has grown steadily, expanding its reach and services to meet the evolving needs of the community. Through collaborative efforts with local organizations, shelters, and outreach programs, Assurance Services has been able to extend its outreach to marginalized populations, reaching those who might otherwise have fallen through the cracks of the healthcare system.

One of the key benefits derived from Assurance Services is the provision of comprehensive and integrated care solutions that address not only the immediate mental health concerns but also the underlying socio-economic factors contributing to housing instability. By adopting a holistic approach, Assurance Services aims to empower individuals to regain control over their lives, rebuild their sense of self-worth, and pave the way for a brighter future.

Furthermore, Assurance Services has played a pivotal role in raising awareness about the intersection of mental health and homelessness, advocating for policy changes, and fostering a more compassionate and inclusive community. Through educational workshops, public outreach campaigns, and partnerships with local stakeholders, Assurance Services strives to dismantle stigma and foster greater understanding and empathy towards those grappling with mental health challenges.

In essence, Assurance Services stands as a beacon of hope and support for individuals facing the daunting challenges of homelessness and housing insecurity. Through its unwavering commitment to providing compassionate care, advocacy, and community engagement, Assurance Services continues to make a profound difference in the lives of countless individuals, offering them a pathway towards healing, stability, and hope for a brighter tomorrow.


Contact Us

Whether you are in need of psychiatric medication or additional treatment for behavioral disorders, or you just need resources for food and clothes; Assurance Services is here to help you maintain your independence and positive state of mind!

235 North Eastern Ave Suite 102.

Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Tel: 702/333-1054
Fax: 702/608-7752

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